Петиция да се затвори делфинариума вьв Варна



Люди, которые смотрели представление, на котором погиб дельфиненок - это урок для вас. Задумайтесь, за что вы платите деньги и что за спрос создаете, посещая подобные заведения. Я надеюсь, что мир откажется от подобных развлечений. Дом китов и дельфинов - море. И никак иначе.

Мария Серегина (Москва, 2019-08-31)


It is a shock to read this. I think that the dolphinarium should be closed because of bad conditions for the animals.

Kathrin Künast (Ochtrup, 2019-09-01)


The park looks absolutely disgusting. No place for sentient, intelligent animals.

Gayle Alexander-Doyle (Falkirk, 2019-09-01)


I m against dolphinariums

Cindy Courtois (Landen, 2019-09-01)


This is cruel and disgusting treatment of animals. Who in their right mind makes a nine day old baby perform. Sick*****ers.

Antionette Green (Sacramento, 2019-09-01)


I’m a scuba diver who believes that dolphins and all other living beings should not be used for the purpose of entertaining human beings. Dolphinariums should no longer exist.

Elaine Wittert (Santa Monica, 2019-09-02)


I'm from belgium, it's sad to read that another Dolphin died, they have to close it.

stephanie heiremans (Belgium, 2019-09-02)


Не се грижат добре за животните, не е човешко и не трябва да се позволява такова отношение.

Ефросина Христова (София, 2019-09-02)


Its horrible !

Anthony Michel (Cheyssieu, 2019-09-02)


Close this park. Now!

Olivier GetDown (Montpellier, 2019-09-02)


Les dauphins sont mieux dans leur milieu naturel c’est de la maltraitance !
Aucune espèce sur Terre ne devrait décider du sort des autres

Gicquel Marie (Paris, 2019-09-02)


People that can't imagin a baby dolphin needs, should not be a dolphin trainer.

Dear Monika Stefanova,
may if this petition have no successs, may you can initialise that incredible stress music while the show ist working.
Dolphins have senses nine times higher than humans.
Really this is stress pure.
A spiritual Healer

Mo von Lipinski (Kiel, 2019-09-02)


It’s cruel what is happening there.

Andreea Leoveanu (Bucharest, 2019-09-02)


You need to stop.

Carmen Manea (Iasi, 2019-09-02)


Cruelle de détenir de tels animaux enfermés alors qu ils parcourent des centaines de kilomètres durant leur vie en liberté.

Haessig Delphine (Offendorf, 2019-09-02)


Щото майка ви деба

Yoanna Marinova (Плевен, 2019-09-02)


Ce n'est pas humain!!!! Stop à ce massacre! Quelle honte !

AKBAL Salwa (DINAN, 2019-09-02)


Completely against abuse of animals of any kind!

Natalie Rusu (Bucharest, 2019-09-03)


This is cruelty to animals by forcing them working overload, especially the 9 days old dolphin die because of it. We need to move the dolphins to other animal reserves or release them into the wild.

Khiêm Gia Phạm (Ho Chi Minh city, 2019-09-03)


Humans should be banned from planet Earth! ...

Laura Roxin (Arad, 2019-09-03)


I have visited Varna. The aquarium torments dolphins.

Cristian Diaconescu (Bucuresti, 2019-09-03)


Petition to close down the dolphinarium and free the dolphins from there because of bad conditions and death of baby dolphin.

Andrei Tabus (London, 2019-09-03)


They don't care about the animals but just money counts. Must be closed immediately!!

Jon Carrago (Bruges, 2019-09-03)


it.s a cruelty and breaks my heart seeing what can do the powerful and arrogant humans to the innocent souls

Cristina Iodif (Madrid, 2019-09-03)


Sie verstoßen gegen Tierschutzgesetze.

Kerstin Zintl (Pößneck, 2019-09-03)


Stop cruelty

Cindy Mora (Cartago, 2019-09-03)


Това невозможна трагедия за окружаваща среда

Татьяна Скарудина (София, 2019-09-03)

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