За "Скелетите" и за Хората
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Тази тема за дискусия е автоматично създадена с петицията За "Скелетите" и за Хората
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#12013-02-15 18:56Заради погазената свобода на словото в България |
Гост |
#22013-02-15 19:07Подкрепям всеки опит на български журналисти да се преборят със зависимостите. |
Гост |
#32013-02-15 21:37Долу ТИКВАТУРАТА !!! |
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#42013-02-15 22:11Подкрепям журналистите, ама и те имат вина .. |
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#52013-02-16 01:14Подкрепям представените аргументи с искането за щателна независима проверка от страна на главния прокурор и от парламентарна анкетна комисия. |
Гост |
#62013-02-16 08:40Полицейщина, както и я коментираме... |
Светла Димитрова |
#72013-02-16 09:09Подкрепям петицията с ясното съзнание, че в правова държава ограничаването на човешките права и свободи и тоталното погазване правата на гражданите, е недопустимо. А със своите действия и бездействие журналистите са съпричастни към случващото се, колкото и да не им се иска. Ние, гражданите, също сме допринесли, с търпението и апатията да стигнем дотук. Отговорността, малко ли и повече, е на всички! |
Тази публикация е изтрита от своя автор. (Покажи подробности)
2013-02-16 09:15- Date of removal: 2013-02-16
- Причина за премахване:
Гост |
#92013-02-16 10:39Аз съм един от тези хора, и срещу мен има разработка отпреди повече от 12 години.Грубото нарушаване на правата ми, и заканите да ме убият ме принудиха да искам политическо убежище в Чехия, а след това във Франция и Белгия.Писал съм жалби до всички възможни инстанции- до бившия главен прокурор, до комисията за правата на човека в народното събрание, и много други, но без отговор.От чужбина написах жалба до Високия Комисар по правата на човека в Женева, и оттам ми отговориха, че за да направят разследване на индивидуална жалба на международно нива, е необходимо да премина първо през всички инстанции в България, и то по йерархичен ред.Върнах се и написах жалба до районен прокурор -Кнежа Ангел Танев, и той заведе контрадело срещу мен със искане за принудително настаняване в психиатрично заведение.Създаде се тройна медицинска експертиза, и чрез натиск от службите ме признаха за шизофреник.По този начин ме лишиха от граждански права и нямам право да се жалвам, защото думите ми не се приемат за думи на нормален човек.Ще кажа само, че ме набедиха за шизофреник точно след като Борисов зае министърпредседателския пост, което е показателно за това, че това е могло да се случи много по-рано, ако е имал властта и възможността да го направи това.Ще кажа още, че неприязънта на Борисов към мен се дължи на една разработка от 2002 година, когато той беше главен секретар на МВР, и която имаше за цел да ме застрелят, като предварително, чрез активни мероприятия бяха пуснали слух из града че съм свързан с мафията.Тези хора бяха цивилни и се представяха за мафиоти, и искаха от мен да работя за тях като наемен убиец, като ми обещаваха по 8 хиляди лева за всяко убийство, и гарантираха, че всеки месец ще ми осигуряват такава работа.А желанието им впоследствие да ме застрелят идваше от това, че отказвах да работя за тях, и понеже знаех много неща, които според тях не е трябвало да ги знам.След като разбрах че тези хора са служители на тайните служби облечени цивилно, разработката приключи, но се включиха тези от ДОТО, и започнаха психологическа война срещу мен, и без даже да се крият открито говореха че целта им е да ме побъркат, като за тази цел използваха апаратура, за която нямах обяснение как действа, и по тази причина си мислех първоначално че съм телепат, а след това че наистина съм побъркан, и то в резултат на това, че не можех да си дам ясна представа за методите и техническите средства с които действаха.През тези 12 години ми създаваха ежедневно десетки малки неприятности, за които не можех да се оплача никъде, поради това че на пръв поглед са незначителни, но тяхното негативно въздействие идваше от това, че бяха толкова многобройни, че ме довеждаха до отчаяние.Отделно от това ми пречеха да спя и със всички методи се стремяха да имам хроничен недостиг от сън.Нямам обяснение за действията им, но това че ме преследват си го обяснявам с желанието им да прикрият разработка и активно мероприятие от 2002 година насочено срещу мен, и силно компроментиращо тогавашното ръководство на МВР, и лично Борисов, понеже по това време той присъстваше на всички разработки и те ставаха под негово ръководство.В резултат от техните действия, първо мислех че съм телепат, а след това че наистина съм ментално болен, и то само по причина че не можех да си обясня методите им на работа и техническите средства които използваха.Сега след като в известна степен са ми ясни, с риск да наруша закона, ще кажа че използват параболични микрофони, чрез които могат да чуят шепот от 50 метра в затворена къща, а също така и параболични говорители, посредством които могат да насочват звука и разговорите които водят, така че да ги чувам само аз, но не и тези около мен.По тази причина се създаваше впечатление че тези гласове идват отвътре от главата ми, и че нямат външен източник, както е в действителност.Това е и медицинското определение за шизофрения.Ще Ви изпратя жалбата ми да Женева, и ще допълня че това че писмото ми е достигнало до там, и получих и отговор, се дължи на това, че тогава бях под закрилата на МВР на Чешската република.А това че моят случай не е достигнал публичност, причината е че всячески се стремят кореспонденцията ми да не достига до получателите.Нямам обяснение за причината за техните разработки и активни мероприятия срещу мен от 2002 год, но знам със сигурност, че по-нататъшните им действия имаха за цел да закрият едно незаконно и абсолютно неприемливо поведение на МВР от онези години, и лично на Борисов, който по това време ръководеше лично всички разработки.Ето и жалбата ми до Женева. DATE: 8 .08. 2010 FROM: Mr. Todor Nanev NATIONALITY: Bulgarian TO: Ms. Navanethem Pillay SUBJECT: Urgent Individual Complaint Kneza Smirnenski 65 Pleven Bulgaria Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland Attention of: Ms. Navanethem Pillay Sub: Petition Against the Violation of My Human Rights. Ms Pillay, I am writing to bring at the attention of your office for the second time my case, with the hope that this time you will take seriously my request and take the needed measures. This is an urgent appeal for help, and I trust your office will take the responsibility to execute the professional obligations of the institution that you represent. Let me point out, that my first complaint was not taken seriously and as a result I sustain severe personal, professional, financial and moral damages resulting of your decline of my request. On 2004, I deposed my complaint to the former High Commissioner for Human Rights Ms. Robinson in which I precisely explained the reasons that all domestic remedies are not effective with the reason that my recourses to the public authorities are always or ignored or refused with the purpose to obscure the case that a secret Bulgarian agency is involved with the support of the ministers of the domestic affairs from 2002, till now. The secret Bulgarian agency with the support of the minister of the domestic affairs is involved in so grave unlawful cases like murders of citizens. Let me point out that they act not considering the Bulgarian and International law that Bulgarian officials are ratified, completely illegally represented themselves as mafia. And all this, is with the absolute support of the official politics, like President of Republic of Bulgaria, the chief Prosecutor and the Ministry of domestic affairs. Let me tell that my case lasts ten years, and many governments were changed, so the case is not individual fault, but official politic of many high positioned state officials. Let me inform you, that according to the Bulgarian law, a citizen can be deprived of some base human rights if there are well-founded suspicions of committed grave crime, and it can be prolonged for two months. In extreme dangerous cases it may lasts for six months with the signature of the minister of the domestic affairs, but no longer. In the end of those six months the case must be deposed in a court of law or stopped. The law is not allowing longer braking out human rights measures no matter the level of committed crime. On the other hand the international chart on human and political rights that Bulgaria has ratified claim that the human rights are absolute and have priority in the cases when they come in conflict with the national laws. Ms. Pillay, I suffer the repression of the Bulgarian National Security Agency ten years, and the only reason is obscuring the case that ten years ago, secret agents, representatives of the official authorities ask me to work for them as hired killer. I don’t know what they aim was , but the fact is that from then I am 24 hours every day and night shadowed for ten years and obscured with no means in every my effort to seek justice . My first request was rejected from Ms. Robinson with the reason that I have not exhausted all domestic remedies in spite of the fact I very clearly have explained the ineffectiveness of all my attempts. With the purpose to pass over all hierarchic levels of the institution that is concerned with the matter, I posed my Complaint to the district prosecutor Mr. Tanov, and as response he arise a suit to the district court, with measure to constrain me in a psychiatric clinic. So, the purpose is, totally ignorance of my complaints from all officials and completely unreasonable deprivate of all my human rights but also citizen rights as I have Bulgarian citizenship. You see that the case is unsolvable in Bulgaria with legal means, so it is your office to take measures and make statement on these violations on my human rights. And as result I hope that systematic violations of my rights must be stopped, and all invisibly and illicitly repressions of the Bulgarian Secret Service Office with the support of the official politics against me must be ceased immediately, the case must be cleared up, with all following responsibilities taken personally. Here I represent my complaint, I wrote years ago to Ms Robinson, and I have nothing to add because the violations of my rights continue and nothing has changed. COMPLAINT TO THE HUMAN RIGHT COMMITTEE 1.1 From : Mr. Nanev Todor Nationality: Bulgarian Date of birth: 19.01.1972 Place of birth: Knezha, Bulgaria. 2.1 Name of the State Party against which the communication is directed: Republic of Bulgaria 3.1 I am submitting the communication as victim of the violations. 4.1 These are the International Conventions pertinent to my case: 4.2 Articles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights allegedly violated: PART 3 –Article 7, Article 9 (2) (3), Article 10 (1), Article 14 (3) a, b, d, f, Article 15 Article 17 (1) (2). 4.3 Articles of the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights allegedly violated: Article 1, Article 2. 4.4 Articles of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights allegedly Violated: Preamble, PART 3 – Article 6 (1), Article 11 (1) (2), Article 12 (1) 4.5 Articles of the convention against Torture, Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatments or Punishment allegedly violated: PART 1 – Article 1 (1), Article 2 (1), Article 3 (1), Article 4 (1), Article 13. PART 2 – Article 19 (3), Article 20 (1), Article 21 c, Article 22 4.6 Articles of the Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatments or Punishment allegedly violated: PART 3 – Article 14 (b) (e), Article 15. 5.1 The following are the Bulgarian laws relating to my case: 5.2 The law for prosecutor‘s office: Article 118, Article 134 (1). 5.3 The law on information protection. Presentation and exchange of classified information: Article 113, Article 114, Article 115, Article 116. 5.4 The law on special investigating facilities: Article 11 , Article 13 , Article 14 , Article 15 , Article 16 , Article 21 , Article 22 , Article 24, Article 32, Article 33. 5.5 The law for administrative services for physical and legal entities: Article 3 (1) (2), Article 4, Article 11, Article 14, Article 15, Article 16, Article 18 (1) (2), Article 24, Article 37 (2). 6.1 I present copies of: 6.2 Evidence of delivery of letter to the President of Republic of Bulgaria, dated 25 .06 2003. 6.3 Evidence of delivery of my second letter to the President of Republic of Bulgaria, dated 05 .09.2003. 6.4 Refusal to launch an investigation from Military Prosecutor of the town of Pleven in response to my complaint of 11.02.2004 . 6.6 Summon by the Police Station of the town of Knezha, dated 26 .02 .2004. 6.7 Medical referral for psychiatric check and treatments, dated 02.03.2004. 6.8 Summon by regional prosecutor – Knezha dated 11.03. 2004 6.9 Resolution of the regional prosecutor – Knezha dated 12.03.2004. 6.10 Certificate note of the office Investigating Service – Pleven . 6.11 Complaint of robbed possessions in Prague, dated 10 .06 2004. 6.12 Letters to regional prosecutor, Military prosecutor and the President of Republic of Bulgaria, with request to send me copies of my complaints to them, which I wrote to them wile in Bulgaria, dated 25, 11.2004. 6.12 Letter from the President of Republic of Bulgaria with copies of my two requests, dated 21.12.2004. 6.13 Evidence of mailing second set of letters to regional prosecutor – Knezha, and Military Prosecutor – Pleven, requesting to send me copies of my complaints to them wile in Bulgaria, dated 03.02.2005. 6.14 Prescription for psychological check and cure, dated 27.04.2005. 7.1 Why I did not exhaust all possible means to stand up for myself: Wile I was in Bulgaria, I had no the opportunity to take the matter to a court of law, pursuant to lack of substantial evidences. I did seek the help of the Military prosecutor in Pleven Mr. Rainov, and later the regional prosecutor to launch an investigation into my claims .In his rejection of my appeal, the Military prosecutor wrote, that I could appeal against his ruling, to the Supreme Appeals Prosecutor in Sofia. However , at that time I had no money to undertake a journey to Sofia , and at the same time , I did not trusted the postal services , as I was confident , that the Police will do everything within their powers to prevent my letter reaching the Supreme Appeals Prosecutor in Sofia . Here, I must point out, that when the Police undertake to observe a citizen, it must be duly authorized by a judge and signed by him. Thus I conclude that the Police acted against me either in defiance of the legal system or with illegal authority of a judge .I was also unaware of any non –governmental organization, which I could approach for help. Moreover, each judge and legal prosecutor in Bulgaria is protected by immunity whereby they are not to be held responsible for their mistakes. The culmination of all of this was that I was unable to stand up for myself. It is my notion that neither the police nor the legal authorities will act in conflict with their interests. When I was detained in Greece, I declined to sign some papers, because I was not able to comprehend as to its nature and content. Furthermore, I refused to give my finger prints on the condition, that I consult a lawyer first. In response, the Greek police took me to a room, closed the door, pulled down the blinds, pushed me down on the floor and started kick me. There were about six of them in the room. The order to beat me, give them a policewoman who was sitting at a desk in a room near the phone, where I tried to call my lawyer Mr. Minas. The policeman Voulgaridis argued on my refusal to sign the paper earlier on, while I phoned. I responded by asking him why he did not present to me the documents pertaining to detain me, when he detained me earlier. When he detained me, he was in civil clothes; he has a pistol and with two other men has taken me in a jeep. Upon hearing of the ongoing argument she told me that if the lawyer does not come within the next ten minutes, they would turn me into a piece of meat. She gave them an order to take me away with a gesture, and then they violated me. The next day I again tried to phone to a lawyer, and that time the connection was successful and we made a conversation. When the lawyer arrived, they did not allow us to talk in private and one of the officers stayed with us. I can point him out only by sight. With fear of reprisals from the officers I was not able to tell the lawyer of the beatings I received from them .I only demanded them to let me see a doctor. To this, the police officer responded by saying that I had been taken to a hospital. When I countered his claim by saying that it was not true, the officer immediately apologized to the lawyer and promised that the next day they would send me to one. But they did not. A few days later, when the police station was busy with many other officers, this very officer took me to a room on the pretext of checking my belongings and stole some money that I had earned while in Greece. Later, another lawyer was appointed to me and he too asked me to sign a paper. Even though I knew that the content of the paper was beyond my comprehension, I went ahead and put my signature as told. Resisting again was pointless as I knew I could not defend my rights in the given environment. I do not know the name of this lawyer. A few days later I was sent back to Bulgaria. Pursuant to above, I believe that the domestic legal procedures in my case would be ineffective and even meaningless. 8.1 The same matter has not been submitted for examination under another procedure of international investigation or settlement. 9.1 Facts of the claim: Here I will present to your attention a diabolical police plot, a horrible trap that I fell headlong into. I can’t fight and stand up for myself against the police. I, therefore, ask you to accept my confession and that what I am writing to you here is absolutely true. The action of the police not only set me back , made me rejected and avoided by the people , but they have ruined me and involved me in such a psychical war , that no humankind can resist . And they carry on with their trickery relentlessly to this day. I do not overcome these problems that up to now last more than four years and there was a time when I couldn’t support it and wanted to concede and end everything by taking my own life. In the hope that you will pay due attention to my perilous situation, I start by introducing myself. My name is Todor Nanev. I graduated from the Technical University – Sofia, in 1997. Since that time I am unemployed. I had to depend on my mother who is a pensioner and on my brother who works in Greece .I do not receive any social security from the state. How is that possible, to be an exception of the ordinary men’s life. Let me explain. At that time, I was totally unaware that everything has been intentionally and deliberately planned against me. The events were so cunningly orchestrated that whenever I find employment and start work, I was forced to leave within two months. According to the law , I am not entitled to any social benefits if my previous employment lasts for up to six months , and this benefit will not handed out for the ensuing period of six months . This cycle was repeated again and again. At the time I had no idea that all of this was manipulated by some people. On my part, I believed in the good sense of the people. I never complained when I earned mere three dollars per month in the face of high inflation, all the people were in the same boat in terms of finances. I never posed any problems and there were never any infightings or quarrels between my colleagues and me, and between my employers and me. At the beginnings all was going well. And then in one instance suddenly all they seemed to be directed against me. I did not know by what reason or under whose influence this sudden and unprecedented animosity against me was evolved, but the end result was always the same as the previous one – I was either forced to leave or they simply fired me. The reason for employment termination stated in the official documents always seemed fair. I thought I have bad luck and that was all. However, the things have been quite different. For example, one day at the factory “Peltina “ in the town of Pelovo ,when I worked as an electrician , a man by the name of Boyko introduced himself as the co owner .On one occasion this man made obvious and provocative remarks purely aimed at offending us by asking the operational director , quote : “why you do keep these gypsies here ? “ And this concerned me and my colleague. After this incident I was advised to leave work. At the bakery “Mladenov and son “in the town of Biala Slatina, I worked as a baker. The staff began to conspire against me and accused me of theft and sabotage. So I went up to the dispatcher and told the truth that the security guard was actually stealing the baking powder. The result was that he later began attacking me, which I reported at the police station at Biala Slatina. I do not know whether the authorities cautioned him or not, but the security guard in question became aware of me reporting him to the police. This resulted in his collaborating with gangs to beat me up. I learnt of this accidentally during the course of overhearing a conversation at work between the colleagues. They sided with the security guard and formed a front against me. Besides this matter, one day when I woke up, I found a note from my landlord’s granddaughter, Petrina. In it she secretly asked me for some money and in return she has left me as pawn a valuable watch. I was aware of her drug addiction and knew that she needed this money to buy drugs (a few days ago I overheard an argument between her grandfather and she on this subject). Anyhow, her grandfather found the watch and further tensions developed between us. To me this entire scenario smelled fishy and prefabricated. I did not know who or what prejudged them, but in one instance and to everyone it seemed that I am notorious for being bad and evil .Even while I walked the streets, strangers were shouting “the black” at me and pointing at me. It seemed that the entire town was afraid of me. At any place in the town that I went to, people spook about me in such a way as to make sure that I could overhear and pay attention. The main topics normally aired and discussed by them used to be centered on how strong I was and that how not a single gang contacted by the security guard wanted to be engaged against me. My hostess warned me when I leaved for work not to walk along such-and-such street because, according to her words, there were men hiding and waiting to beat me. I followed her advices only to steer clear of trouble. I had to be off for work at 24.00 at night, so outside was dark and I was going to work with heightened alert attention and fear. My ongoing situation confirmed my suspicion that something is wrong but all was so obscure and complicated that I did not know how to deal with this circumstance. Due to the gossips and rumors spread all over the town they made me well known and everyone was saying for me I am terror. Accusations labeled against me in public ranged from me selling drugs, in possession of a gun, and raping my sister. I was at a total loss .I am far from committing any crime. But the mitigating and threatening circumstances made me behave as a bad person, adopting an outlook so that gangs not to dare to hurt me, and close to me people began to respect me with some kind of fear from me. All called me “the black” and perceived me as a monster. I had in my mind that all this would not last for long. Well , come to think of it , I was well known , everyone was talking about me , for them I was interesting and curious , but all this was in negative viewpoint . It takes so huge degrees that I already could not stand for. Whenever I went in the town, completely unknown people, total strangers, talked about me and made extremely derogative statements about me. My every word or gesture was commented and automatically interpret in an unpleasant way, so much which at times provoked me. For example , when I took my tranquillizers prescribed me by the doctor in a café ,I heard the female staff chatting between them that I take drugs and when I turned to look straight at them , they shut up as if confused and behaved as if they were not talking about me and so I could not protest . Another time, two persons in the same café spoke aloud deliberately on how they are karate experts and the strongest and the worst gang in the town, that the security guard complained them and that they will wait outside to teach me a lesson by beating. Making sure that I heard all this from them, they exited the café. When I finished my coffee, I went out and saw them waiting for me. They looked at me. To avoid an almost inevitable fight, I put my hand in my inner pocket in a manner to show that I have something which I could use on them for my protection. They quickly ran into a shop, shouting that I have a gun. With all these tensions and fears, I started to wet my pants from fear. I interrogated myself on who opinionated the people and who could influence them in such a way that they behaved against me in that way. One thing I was sure of: the police knew about all that was happening. I was not aware and am still not aware if the security guard had some friends in the police , or whether the police itself was party to all this . I had no possibility of filling a proper complaint with the police for two reasons : first – no-one among my colleagues would testify to the police on this conflict between me and the security guard , because they were siding him in spite of the fact that they knew of him being in the wrong , but I was new among them ; second – I had suspicions that whenever I walked the streets , went for coffee or shopping , all talks about me were aired in a way that I could hear them , further adding to my suspicions that all these occurrences were part of a instructed marionettes . My suspicions primarily evolved from the fact that they always talked about me behind my back and when I turned to face then they stopped talking and pretended to freeze in fear. Hence, I could not accuse anyone to the police. This lasted for about two months. The relentless pressure on my mental wellbeing led several incidents of fear related urinary incontinence, forcing me to quit my job. I left the town of Biala Slatina and returned home to regain normality and to cure myself. At home, my relatives were in a bad mood with me over the entire situation. I do not know how they adopted these insinuations but they questioned me on the news that all over the town of Biala Slatina people were freezing in fear of me. I told them of all that had happened, showing them the note from my host’s granddaughter Petrina, but they failed to comprehend me quite well. There were frequent arguments among us and my way out of such family quarrels was to seek refuge in a cup of coffee out of home. So , my situation thus far could be summed as – failing in keeping my job , loss of people’s good opinion of me , I was pressed , downgraded ; I already had this nickname ‘the black’. But what could I do? I could not change the people’s opinion. I could not do anything about it. I frequented to the job office but they were telling me that there’s no job vacancy at all and I must wait until one become available. I went to a lawyer. I told Mr. Iantchic everything about my case and asked him of any possibility to get my job back. He answered that my case is valid in principal and according to the law, but no one from my ex-colleagues will testify in a court of law and that he also does not want to get involved in it. Now, thinking retrospectively, I see that my friends also have been involved in this manipulation. I will substantiate this claim by giving some facts: Emil Milov and Emil Ruzov worked as barmen at a restaurant owned by the brother of the chief constable of the town of Knezha. At that time I did not knew that his brother is chief constable. All the people called him Iliicho. These barmen behaved as criminals and I believed that they really are. One day when all the customers from the restaurant departed, they invited me to take drugs with them. They put some on their gums and provoked me to take some too. I declined. Another time, Emil Milov told me that they had stolen some taps for petroleum and that the police may come to his home to check. So he begged me to hide these taps in my place. At that time I was unaware of the scheme to plant the taps on me so that they could have something on me , probably because they thought and knew that I depend on them and I could be held guilty of the theft if they so desired . I realized that later, but then I had no friends besides them as people still had that bad opinion of me and most of them avoided me. These ‘friends of mine’ treated me well, or it appeared to be so. . My instincts, however, told me that they would like to propel me to a direction I did not want to go to. But I had no idea as to who orchestrated such a complicated plan. I had my suspicions, but I did not know who exactly they were. So, I left the things to take their course and develop in order to comprehend with certainty as to what they wanted from me and who are they in reality. I applied for several job in companies up to the spring, but always unsuccessfully. Finally I got the opportunity to work on a sunflower field with hoes. There were four of us. Pavlin Parvanovsky, his brother Nikolai Parvanovsky, one another who I knew only as Kotsy and me. Pavlin and I agreed in advance to make some money and to go abroad for work. We went to work every day, but soon after, a somewhat mysterious event occurred at the field where we worked. The field in question is almost surrounded on all sides by woods and in some parts the trees are quite distant from one another. Once we heard some people talking. At first I did not knew were these voices came from, but after a while I eyed one distant tree on which were perched three people and a group of about ten were gathered under. They were about a kilometer and a half away from us and in my opinion it was not possible that we heard them so clearly from this distance. I thought that there were other people hiding in the woods around us. I went into the woods but found nothing and no one. They talked and sometimes shouted at us, especially to me because they used the word ‘the black’. They discussed among themselves about me. They talked that I am a big criminal and that I had committed many wrongs, that the entire region is afraid of me. I was at a loss. I had not done anything wrong, but I was at work and had no intention to explain to anyone as to who I am and what I had done. There was one reason – I did not know these people; moreover I did not know if the same group was talking about me or other people were hiding in the woods. As was stated by them, it was apparent that they belonged to the crime groups from Sofia, Vratca and Kozloduy, that I was interfering in their business and niche by pointing out the town of Biala Slatina. They talked with rage about me and at the same time with respect as the tone of their voices showed that they are a bit afraid of me. They argued over me on the issue of which of their group will recruit me. Each group wanted to take me and use me as a hit man. My colleagues with whom I toiled in the field seemed afraid, but only once Pavlin Parvanovsky suggested that we should go into the woods and hide because they may shoot at us. The others ignored his warning and we carried on with our work. I was scared but what could I do. These unknown enemies were becoming furious at us for ignoring their shouts. One of them shouted that he will shoot me, but the others stopped him from shouting further threats as they did know who protect me and if I work alone or I am a member of a group. I was quite confused, not knowing what I should do and the only thing I could consider then was to stay close to Pavlin, thinking that they will not risk shooting when I am close to him. He himself noticed that and was trying hard to stay clear of me. Nevertheless, these people kept talking and shouting only about me and seemed to be uninterested in my colleagues. One of them shouted that I may have a gun and that they must not shoot until they are sure that I will or cannot return fire and they must shoot only if they are sure that they may fire me for sure. This precarious situation, lasting four-five days, had the same theme each day. I did not want to leave work as I knew that the landlord would not pay me at all. So I carried on working but the panic and strain were so intense that I again started to wet my pants, often and uncontrolled. Despite the hot weather, I worked with all of my clothes on in order to give the impression of a gun on my person and thus avoiding getting shot at me. Fear was the daily and permanent feature. My colleagues also seemed scared but they did not want to talk about it. They did not want to get involved and took on them the rage of those people. We talked about every day’s thing. Nikolai Parvanovski talked enthusiastically about Pope John Paul II who was going to visit Bulgaria in the coming week. He talked about him ironically and always in feminine gender saying ‘she the Pope’. At that time I did not take any notice of it as I was more interested in what my enemies talked about and paid attention to what they was saying . I identified one of them by voice – one policeman by the name Tcvetomir from the town of Knezha . His full name I have written down in my complaint that I have filed with the Military Prosecutor Mr. Rainov of the town of Pleven. It was not surprising to me that a policeman has ties with a gang because also the restaurant where Emil Milov and Emil Ruzov offered me drugs was owned by the brother of the chief constable of the police of the town of Knezha. In the meantime, rumors were spreading in the town of Knezha that I am connected with the Mafia, obviously spread to incriminate me, which I overheard every time when I went to the town centre for coffee. They could also have been fueled by the police, but then I did not know that for sure. Already, all people in the town knew and talked about me as ‘the black’, and referred to me as the terror of the town. At home, I thought this situation over and over again and had no idea why is that all for. My suspicions pointed to the police as the principal culprit but I failed to understand their aims. One day while at home I heard an old radio interview with the ex-president of the Republic of Bulgaria, Mr. Todor Zivkov, presented on the national radio ‘Horisont’, about Pope John Paul II in connection with the visit of the Pope to Bulgaria. He talked about an attempt on the Pope’s life connected with the Turkish-Bulgarian group. I will quote his words, which were said ironically: Why should we kill the Pope? What has he done against us? For what purpose? ‘In my mind came the connection to the gangs shadowing me and what they wanted from me to become a hit man. I was puzzled; moreover it was presented on the National radio. I kept on repeating those words from the broadcast over and over again asking myself how it is possible. This radio broadcast can be verified from the radio station records – it was about noon. As agreed with Pavlin Parvanovski, we borrowed some money and decided to go to work in Greece. For me it was impossible to live in the town of Knezha, because of the disgust and hatred people showed against me. I did not know what kind of a trap the police might be preparing against me again. I did not know if they wanted to make sensations by preventing a new attempt on the Pope’s life. I intended to go to Greece as soon as possible. We agreed with Pavlin Parvanovski’s cousin Borislav Parvanovski with the nickname ‘the turk’ to drive us to the border in his Audi A4 so that we look credible and not denied entry due to reason of ‘lack of money for sojourn’. When we met Borislav Parvanovski , he told us of the flat he bought in Sofia , that he have two cars , but one of them cannot leave Bulgaria because it is a stolen vehicle and hence have no documents . According to him, the Audi cost him EUR 25 000, which he paid, and has all the documents. He behaved as a real Mafioso and in spite of what he declared at the customs, that his business is petroleum trade, he planted in me the impression that his real business was drugs. I saw his power and influence over the policemen who stopped us few times to check his documents or for over speeding. He was a man for whom the law meant nothing. At each police check he handed out EUR 5 and the police let him drive on without checking. He was wealthy and from Pavlin Parvanovski I knew in advance that for him worked a lot of dealers in the streets of Sofia. He looked down upon us and only because of his cousin he has agreed to drive us to the border under the condition that we will be his dealers in Greece. But, that was unacceptable for me because in doing so I would be too dependent on him. My intention was to work there, not to sell drugs. That is why at the customs ‘Kulata- Promaxonas’, I did not say as we agreed what to talk to customers in advance but ‘we are going to Iorgos’, while they had earlier said ‘we go to Iraclis in Thessaloniky’. So, the inconsistency in our stories ended up in Pavlin and I sent back by the Greek customs, whereas Borislav got to Greece. We agreed in Bulgarian language that we will go for coffee at the border and that he enters Greece and turn back immediately. After a while we met at the café. Borislav was enraged with me and said that that it was my fault they sent us back, that I know many things that I should not to know. And he also said of his duty to report me to his boss. When we got to Sofia, he left us in the car and as he told us, went to talk to his boss. I was so scared and told Pavlin to let me take a tram to the train station, but he did not agree and said that Borislav will drive us to the train station. Fear once again filled me and for along while now my pants were wet from fear and not knowing what to do. Borislav come and we drove towards the train station. But at a traffic light a man suddenly got into the car. Borislav called him boss. He only stared at me and the next traffic light he jumped out. It was clear that he wanted to see my face, for later reference. I did not realize that they only play as criminals. I had in my mind that I must be careful with Borislav and because of that, I kept good relations with his cousin and we kept on going for coffee with Pavlin. One evening at the café ‘Vanessa’, when we took our coffees with Pavlin Parvanovski and the people in the café behaved normal and chatted about everyday things, suddenly they all began shouting they are Mafia and they are meeting here to decide which group I should work for. There were about 15 people, excluding the waitress and barmaid. I realized that I was in a trap again. They kept on saying that they are representatives of the mafia clans from Sofia, Vratca and Kozloduy. They said that I am very influential in the region, that I get in their business and they must decide with which of these groups I should work. It seemed they all knew each other quite well and when they talked among them about me, they used the nickname ‘the black’ again. They argued among them because each group wanted me to cohere with them. One of them proposed me EUR 4000 (8000) levs bg. for becoming a hiring killer on their orders. He added that for each murder I commit they would pay me the same sum and I will have this kind of work every month. One other man proposed me the waitress; to have some fun with her, and on that, the barmaid warned the waitress by saying: ‘take care of yourself. He will hurt you’. All this time I did not participate in the conversation. I listened and in my mind was searching for quiet way out of this situation without complications. Pavlin obviously knew of all in advance. He was more confused about what will be my reaction of all this psychological pressure. Let me comment. This case I have written down in a complaint to the Military prosecutor of the town of Pleven. I want to add that some people who were there I can identify by sight. Also the barmaid and the waitress can be inquired. Later, they sold the café and now it has another name. There was one other evening, when I was at home, that I heard unknown voices coming from the neighbors talking about me. There lived Dimitar Kasovski and his brother Veselin Kasovski. They have one yard, but two separate houses in a way that the house of Dimitar Kasovski faces my window. I had no idea who may speak about me using again the nickname ‘the black’. It looked like that they were up to something and talked among them in low voices, but in a way that I could hear. About eleven o’clock one of them shouted that Borislav Parvanovsky may be come from Sofia any minute and that they were waiting for him. They again began to speak as they were from the mafia and I may become a perfect killer and must work for them. I was scared. In the other room were my sister, her husband and my nephew. I thought if something would happen, they would call the police. But their behavior showed no sighs of worry. When I went into the corridor , I heard my brother –in-law tell my sister not to worry because they are not mixed up in anything and for that reason these people will not act against them . That the mafia people settle things among them, pointing at me as he said, but that they do nothing to others. He went on by saying that they must be quiet and not to take part in any of the events. I went back to my room, but those voices were so loud and aggressive that I was in panic and did not know what to do. I could not call the police because I knew for sure that one of the police officer sided with the group. He was among them as I recognized his voice. I have given his name in my complaint to the military prosecutor of the town of Pleven. At the beginning, they wanted me to become only a hit man and in this way to work for them. They wanted to go to my neighbor to make an agreement with them. I did not want to and stayed at home. At once one of them proposed that they must come and get me. Immediately and with utmost precaution, I checked if all windows were secure and locked the main door. Then I went back to my room, locked my door and stayed there. Panic and uncertainty once again overwhelmed me. I did not know what to do and noticed that I shake in fear. They were also raged with anger and I heard that they are at a loss about what to do with me. They discussed in low voices among each other and then one of them said out aloud that they have to come and shoot me. I was helpless. I thought about sneaking out and somehow escaping. They began to provoke and offend me by saying that I am not a brave man and that I am a gay if I do not accept their proposal. I decided to escape so I ran to the WC in the yard with intention to escape in opposite direction of the neighbors Dimitar Kasovski and Veselin Kasovski. Then I heard voices from the all sides and I thought that I am trapped. I could not see any chance of getting out of this dangerous situation alive. Something inside me snapped and I felt soul-less. I began to think more clearly. Fear and panic began to subside making me think more clearly. I decided to provoke them into shooting at me, so that someone would hear the shot and come to see what was happening. I called my dog and we went to the garden. I laid down on the grass thinking they do not see me at night, and intentionally started to play with the dog. I thought they would shoot in direction of the noise. The possibility of getting hit the dog was more probable as it was running around me. Nevertheless, they saw me in the darkness and someone shouted to another to prepare himself to shoot. Then I heard my sister from under the balcony saying on the phone ‘why do you want to fire my brother?’ At once, I got into the house and locked the door. I stayed there, as I could not do anything to defend myself. I waited for them to come and fire me. By now it was about 02 am. But they did not come. They kept shouting aggressively that they must fire at me. I only listened and did nothing. I suddenly remembered that my neighbor Dimitar Kasovski had a radio transmitter and he knew the Morse code. Therefore, I took a torch, shone ‘attention’ and heard him say that he will interpret for the others. I was sending message with only one hand with the torch shining at them through the window. He, obviously, was writing down the signals at first and decoded them later as it took some time. I sent this message: ‘what do you want from me?’ When he told the others the message, they were shocked and did not know what to ask of me. I sent this message: ‘you are worthless as policemen’. It just came to me intuitively. When Dimitar Kasovski decoded it, he immediately said: ‘he identified us ‘. They were all silent for a minute or two. I heard one of them asking the others: ‘what shall we do?’ For me, the entire world got upside down. I did not know what to think about it. I was so exhausted that I went to bed to get some sleep. But they did not allow me any rest. They all started to shout ‘we continue’. They now inversed their conversation and started to speak of murders that I am supposed to have committed. They did not speak specifically but they said that they knew of this fact for sure. They accused me of many crimes but obviously they were bluffing. I had not committed anything wrong. One of them – it seem to be their boss and they call him ‘the man from Sofia’ – told them as an order that he wanted to know all about me . That it is not possible in my past life I have not committed anything wrong. He wanted them to inquire and when they gather something on me, to arrest me immediately. I started to talk nonsense about my past life so that they could have their wish of me being a big criminal, in order that they get scared and go away. It was the influence of the sort of attitude I got used to: labeled as a criminal. Now I talked and they listened and made comments about what I was saying. My strength was failing me. I thought to myself if it was possible that these people are all from the police or they are the mafia with some police officers in their pay roll. I began to think in retrospect all small details in my ‘bad luck life’, considering if there was any connection with the police. I did not find any, but in spite of all I came to the conclusion that they were policemen. And when I thought what the reason that they do all that is, I heard some of their voices interfering in that what I thought and they comment about it. I contemplated on the reason as to how could I hear some of their voices, how could these voices interfere with my thoughts and they were able to comment of what I thought. I was greatly amazed to think that I have supernatural sense, something like telepathy. I did not have to say anything, even whisper. I simply thought and I could hear them talk among them while I was thinking. This situation so intrigued me that I could not asleep. I was exited that may be I am the first human being with actual use of telepathy. I tried to speak with them in that way and I succeeded. They were able to hear me while I was speaking without voice. And I heard them normally. Moreover we made a conversation. I communicated in this way all night without stopping in order not to lose these supernatural abilities. But I mentioned that in spite of the fact that I did not use my voice, I still spoke. That was speaking under my breath, so silent that I took it for thought. The next day everyone, even the relatives, behaved as they knew nothing about last night’s event .I kept talking under my breath with some of these unknown people. Everywhere I went in the town I had the ability to talk with them without voice. I did not dare to tell anyone about my new ability. At first, it was so confusing for me managing to talk on the one hand with the real people around me, and on the other hand with these unknown persons, who was hidden from my sight and without using my voice. That was in a way amusing for me and at the same time, I could not pay attention to the people around me. No one from the people around me gave the appearance that they also hear what I was able to hear, and no one gave the appearance of noticing something unusual in my behavior while I spoke under my breath. The next morning when I woke up and opened my eyes, I saw on my knee a red dot. In my mind came the lightning realization that it was from a sniper. I quickly shut the blind. It was so intense that for seven nights and days I did not sleep at all. In my conversations came other persons that I had relations with in the past, and I talked to them under my breath and without seeing them. I asked myself if all the people could hear me or only people that I thought of. I went to a lonely place and tried to speak with the US president Mr. Clinton in English, but that was unsuccessful. I kept trying to speak that way with various persons in order to understand all my abilities. I liked one girl and tried to speak that way with her and this try was successful. I went to a café where we agreed (talking in this way) to meet there. She was there with another man. I thought I talk in this way with her and that she also have this supernatural ability, but she has not. It was obviously that another girl presents herself for the girl I liked and she talks with me in this way. I began to observe the behavior of the people around me. I noticed no signs that they hear something as I heard. This lasted for months and began to annoy me. I could not get any good sleep, because of these voices who kept talking all the time. I asked my sister if she heard some voices and she told me she did not hear any voices. I knew one thing. When I started to talk in other languages, not Bulgarian, the voices ceased. By now there were remained only about 5-6 persons whose voices I could hear and talk with them some times. When they talked among them they talked about criminal acts and how to connect me with them. They kept repeating that I was involved in some wrongs and I got scared at the thought that they seriously intend to frame me. They talked days and nights, they were out of my sight and I could not complain to anyone. The only way out, I thought then, was to get out of the country. Once came the possibility to leave for Greece through Italy. There were 9 of us when we drive out to Greece – I , Pavlin Parvanovski , Evgeni Butcelski , Veselin Duntcev , Danail , one other I knew only as the son of a policeman , one another by the nickname Vily , and one unknown to me girl . Of the last one, I knew only that he had taken this girl to work as a prostitute in Rome for him. I had in mind also that may be are preparing to spring a trap on me, but it was by now impossible for me to live in Bulgaria, and I agreed to go along with them. At one ‘Grill’ in Italy, where we went for coffee, I crated a scene. I stirred an argument with Pavlin on something utterly nonsensical intending to attract the attention of the Italian police and to be sure that they also will follow us. I had in mind that if only the Bulgarian police follow us, they may accuse me beyond the Italian police about the Pope. Because of that I wanted to protect myself if my co-travelers eventually had prepared for me some traps. I must say that all the time we traveled I was hearing these voices. Even when we were in the car I heard them commenting every my gesture in a way disgusting of me. Near Rome, Evgeni Butcelski got sick and we called an ambulance. He stayed in a hospital for some days and we had to wait for him. So we got to the town of Netuno, near Rome, were lived other Bulgarians. The voices I heard talking were still with me speaking in Bulgarian .I also noticed I was surrounded by people who secretly observed me. They were obviously Bulgarians, but also some Italian people were in the play, because some of them were pointing at me saying ‘Mauro’. I was for first time in Italy, and I suppose it was the Bulgarians who involved the Italians into playing together against me. Moreover, it was not possible for such a large number of Bulgarian ‘policemen’ and ‘policewomen ‘to operate in the territory of Italy without the Italian police knowing about it. I am sure that at the police station of Netuno are some notes about me. I have no complaints from the Italian police. If they allowed the Bulgarian police to act against me in their region, I presume they were deceived by the Bulgarian police about who I was and what I had done or intended to do. Anyhow, we were not planning to stay in Italy for long, but we had to wait for Evgeni Butcelski. We were in short of money. We slept in a park south of the town of Netuno, and sometimes at the beach. I telephoned my brother in Greece to send me money in order to go to Greece. My ‘friends ‘already wanted to stay and work in Italy, so I left them some money and went to Greece. There, I noticed that the Greek police knew of me as well. In Greece I started to work in the village of Theologos, at the island of Thasos. I stayed in Greece for 11 months and all that time I was being observed secretly. Despite of the fact they were hidden of my sight, every minute I heard their voices discussing about me in Bulgarian. Most of the time they constantly accused me that I had committed some murders or they treated to kill me. Despite the fact that the talks I was hearing were so quiet, they disturbed me and I almost could not stand them. Every night they woke me with a peep sound and started to talk. I had chronically shorts of sleep. And that was not all. They did everything to make my life hell. They instructed people with whom I had contacts on how to behave with me. I became a person who did not trust anyone and who thinks all people are bad and evil. But the worst of all were their conversations at night. Until I finally fell asleep hearing their accusations and threatening they woke me with a peep and started repeating again and again accusing me of fabricated murders or wrongs. Let me tell you of some of the accusations so that you can imagine how serious my situation was. They accused me that I had killed my father ; my teacher ; one neighborhood’s girl which I do not know ; one man in Greece who had died ten years ago ; one friend who died in Greece in a car accident – I am not sure even if he is actually dead as I only heard about that from my brother over the telephone while I was in Bulgaria ; my uncle for whom the official version of the police was ‘suicide by hanging’ and for whom I know from my mother what the rumors in the town speak of : When he has came back from work , at his place , his wife , her lover who is a policeman and some friends of his wife had celebrated my uncle’s birthday . The following morning someone was found my uncle hung. We do not know if there was an investigation into his dead. I also know that my uncle’s brother wanted to file a lawsuit against the police, but in the meantime, he died. The name of my uncle who ‘hung himself’ is Miltco Stoianov. Since his son escape from Bulgaria as a refugee at Communism time, my uncle had no contacts with his close relatives including my family; Ivalin who also ‘suicide himself by hanging’ and who lived in the same district as I. They also claimed that I had raped my sister and so on. The worst of all this was that they were implicating me in all these events and after their repetitive claims that it was me who committed these crimes, I almost came to believe it myself. At first , I was enraged hearing such accusations but I had no possibility of defending myself or putting counter- claims somewhere , because all the people around me behaved as they did not hear of these talks and accusations . Whenever I asked someone on this subject, I received always the same answer – that they heard nothing. I came to the idea that they were opinionated by the Bulgarian police and they were instructed of doing it. I concluded that they intended to make me insane with this psychological war cunningly orchestrated against me, or that they wanted me to reach breaking point so that I concede and end my life with my own hands . I think they did not dare to attempt on my life only because already the Italian and Greece police knew about me. Moreover, I also heard them saying that I will avenge my uncle’s dead. Thus I began to Perceive that all they did and were still doing to me, was perhaps the same what they practiced on my uncle. Until now we do not know if he really had ended his life by suicide or it had been a murder presented as suicide. They tried to get into my conscience. Until I fell asleeping , that is in a state of partly asleep and partly awake , they talked about imagined of them situations including and me in these events so as to I am taking part in these events . In these events which they play and which I have never experienced, I take part talking with them while I am still unawake with the state of mind freely and without cautions so that it is impossible to lie. I do not know how they hear me, but this way we make conversations. They cleverly and so deeply planted these unprecedented events in my subconscious that when I woke took them as if they really had happened. Let me tell you that according to Bulgarian law , all they do and speak and all that I do and say must be recorded and also that they heard me through listening devices , must not lasts more for than six months and should be stopped or they must filed an accuse in a court of law . In my case, this lasts for over four years, and that is how long I know of them. I do not know how long, prior of this period did they spy on me and kept me under observation. I also understood from their talks that they had been putting some drugs in my meal or coffee causing me to free from my good maintenance and offending me they had been provoking me into committing a crime under this influence. They had been doing that without my knowledge. And they were talking about it freely making sure that I was hearing them. So they were absolutely sure that they will ruin me and I will be not able to complaint. Let me comment that their acts not confined to simply spy on me. They came into my private life aggressively, provoked and lured me into committing a crime. And when they failed in their attempts, they tried to frame me and accused me of some crimes that I did not commit. Because of this unrelenting pressure, I went to the medical center of the village of Prinos at the island of Thasos but there the medical staff could not explain anything to me and only prescribed me peace and quiet. But these people did not stop talking. Even more they tried an attempt on my life while Nicos Kapsalis and I went to work far from the village of Theologos. One man was shooting there and we thought he was a hunter. But when we ended work and went towards the car, he fired at us. The bullet ricocheted off the asphalt a meter from Nicos Kapsalis . I wanted to ask the hunter as to why he shot at us , but Nicos said to get into the car quickly and drive off before he kill us .I presume that Nicos knew in advance of that and simply they played with me . I wanted to go seek legal advice and tell all. Nicos told me that he had asked his lawyer to meet us. The lawyer did not come. Therefore, I went to the town of Cavalla to find one. I told Nicos Kapsalis and Stelios Zondanos that I will go to a law court and said that I believe that the Bulgarian police are behind all that is happening. I had no the opportunity to go to a court. The Greek police arrested me in order to deport me .I told the Greek policemen that the Bulgarian police is pursuing me, but they did not believe me at all. I think that they were cooperating with each other, and they are accessories to the Bulgarian police. They presented me a piece of paper written in Greek that I do not understand and I refused to sign. I presume that the document was to the effect that I voluntarily want to leave Greece. I speak Greek language but some of the phrases were too good for me to understand. I also refused to give my fingerprints, until I met a lawyer, knowing the intend of Bulgarian police to frame me. The Greek policemen were so furious that they locked me up in a room shut the blinds, pushed me down on the floor and kicked me so violently that afterwards I refused to eat for four days in protest. I asked for medical attention but they refused. After that I signed the papers without reading , scared that they would torture me again if I refused and after about twenty days they repatriated me to Bulgaria , stealing me EUR 190 that I earned in Greece . Let me say, that the same Borislav Parvanovski I heard his talks, while I worked in the convent Angelos Filipos at the island of Thasos. It is not in my possibilities to know if he was there, or they used conferment connections by mobile phones, but it may be checked. I have no, neither the authority nor the power to do it myself. When I returned to Bulgaria I wrote a letter of complaint |
vili zi |
#10 Поздравления!2013-02-16 12:12От цялата история с досието "Буда" това изказване е нещото,което дълбоко ме възмути и издразни! |
Гост |
#112013-02-18 12:08Да направим България европейска правова държава. |
Гост |
#122013-02-21 10:33Хубава идея и е добре да се пусне в медиите които отстояват правата на хората- като Афера например. Предложете на инициативния комитет на протестиращите да включат искането в петицията. Ще излязат много, и все недопустими неща от гледна точка на законите. Ако това се направи, със сигурност ББ ще бъде съден, и ще отиде там където му е мястото. Аз лично съм един от хората, преследвани и репресирани по заповед лично на бб. С това нещо ще спомогнете и на разчистването на тайните служби, и на тези които са работели срещу хората, за интересите на бб и шайка, а в същото време сме им плащали заплати от нашите джобове. Този тумор трябва да се изреже. |
Гост |
#132013-03-23 11:12Мисля,че Б.Борисов не беше разбран, направи неясно сравнение, но това не бива да се мисли, камо ли да се изказва публично от министър-председателя.От това изказване става ясно колко е крехка демокрацията.Това небива да се премълчава.Подкрепям |
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