Петиция да се затвори делфинариума вьв Варна
Подписвам, защото вярвам, че делфините не са създадени за забавление на хората, те трябва да бъдат в своята естествена среда. Недопустимо е да бъдат затваряни и използвани като атракция. Считам, че наличието на подобен тип затвори за животни свидетелства само и единствено за това, че хората имаме още път да извървим, докато се събудим и осъзнаем. Дано по-скоро успеем да излезем от своя “човеконариум”, защото имаме собствена воля. Тогава и животните ще бъдат там, където им е мястото - на свобода.Любомира Георгиева (Манчева, 2019-09-04)
Let the dlphins back to the sea. They are more human than you.Bogdana Bazovska (London, 2019-09-04)
Baby dolphins and seals should not be forced to perform for spectators.Lynn Walker (providence, 2019-09-05)
Het is wreed!.... sluiten nu!!!!Rosita Muller (C.muller6@upcmail.nl, 2019-09-05)
Can you hear the sound that's calling me, it's my brothers and sisters of the sea. That Beautiful song sung day and night, for my Freedom they do fight. My feeling of sadness not outwardly shown, how I yearn for Freedom but who would have known?. I've spent My Life Performing in this big open bath, serving you hopelessly and desperately just to make you laugh. I'm so Sad and Lonely I often Cry, I just Don't want to live here u til I Die. Please! Please! Soften my Sadness, do t waste My Life with this total Madness. I'm Dying inside, you just don't care to see, heartache and frustration are Killing me. I'm fading away, with no more fight to give. Don't steel My Life and my right now to Live. I'll close my eyes now as I ebb away, longing for that Peaceful day. Atlast I sense Freedom as I draw my last breath. Your lack of love and Feeling have led to my Death.Eve Floyd (12 Cowper Ave Sutton SM1 3rd, 2019-09-05)
I'm signing because to hear a baby has died after being told it had to preform for the human public is upsetting. Its disgraceful to hear anyone would keep dolphins in tiny pools instead of allowing them to be free in the wild is cruel and sheer greed.C. Scott (Brockville, 2019-09-05)
This filthy, dirty, greed-infested hell hole needs to be shut down. The owners of this park are vile, demonic greed-infested MURDERERS1 Shut down this park and put the dirty demons who own it in jail where they cannot continue to murder innocent babies!Patricia Frazier (Mississauga, 2019-09-05)
No animal should perform for the benefit of humans. It is CRUEL !!Marlane Newbury (Evesham, 2019-09-05)
Dolphins are highly intelligent creatures, and don't belong in captivity!Raelin Hansen (Asheville, NC, USA, 2019-09-05)
I'm signing because I don't want other animals to get hurt just because some people don't think about anything else but money.Ștefania Derecichei (Piatra Neamț, 2019-09-05)
ALL CAPTIVITY FOR PROFIT IS ABUSE!Christine Smyth (Kelowna, 2019-09-05)
I love dolphins very much. They don't deserve to die because of vad people.Cristina Aanei (Falticeni, 2019-09-05)
Желая животните да се отглеждат в естествената им средаХристияна Димитрова (Перник, 2019-09-05)
Because dolphins do not belong in captivity and are not ours to use and abuse for entertainment. Close this place before any more of these beautiful creatures suffer.Sally Higgs (Burnham on Sea, 2019-09-06)
Съм против отглеждането на тези животни по този начин...това е престъплениеМария Аврамова (Русе, 2019-09-06)
NO MORE CAPTITIVTY!Raleigh koritz (Plymouth Hennepin County, 2019-09-06)
Никой не би трябвало да живее в затвор само за да може да служи за забавление на хората.Николай Слободников (Варна, 2019-09-06)
cruel to keep dolphins in captivity - especially to make babies perform then deny it! this place has shown it does not tell the truth, but the spectators did!! CLOSE IT NOW!gil hall (miami, 2019-09-06)
Save the dolphinsPeter Henne (Hannover, 2019-09-07)
i love animalsBas Emaus (Sittard, 2019-09-07)
мястото на делфините е в морето, а не в този кенеф!Emil Vatev (varna, 2019-09-07)
Cetaceans and animals in general should be respected and adored. They should not be treated like slaves to amuse humans and to earn profits. They are our co-inhabitants on the planet and it is their birthright to live free on earth as well.Vivian Dacanay (Manila, 2019-09-09)
!Rafaela Panova (София, 2019-09-09)
Против насилието!Микола Сорокин (Варна, 2019-09-09)
I am signing this petition because none of these animals should be held captive!They need to be in their natural environment and not held captive to suffer and perform for human profit and entertainment!!! Buy a big screen television and watch nature shows!!
Lisa Sargent (Ardrossan, 2019-09-10)
I'm signing coz conditions I'm leaving here it is very bad I don't wanna lose my life I need protectionPaulin Tshitshi (Middleburg, 2019-09-11)
#Empty the tanksGina Peddis (Sneek, 2019-09-12)
i m signing this petitions because i was a victime of xenophobia violence in south africaAlain Ulriche kiyengue nzikou (Cape Town, 2019-09-12)
No animal is worth to serve the people for entertaining!Julia Willing (Berlin, 2019-09-12)
dafür das die tiere besser ohne das monster mensch dran waehresabrina pütz (Krefeld, 2019-09-12)
nothing is like the nature...dont visit delphinariums!!!!Martina maruna (wittau, 2019-09-12)
Je besoin de l'aide suis victime de xenofobiaHeritier Banunga (Djobec, 2019-09-12)
It’s a horrible treatmentIris Wavrousek (Rastede, 2019-09-12)
Hi, my name is Pastor Richard bosange, a congolese national but i reside in South Africa where we are currently facing a xenophobic attacks, we are being killed each and everyday.my family and i are living in fear of death each day. Foreign nation are being brutaly killed.we was attacked at church. They dont want us to even worship. It been hard for us to even get food and water. For the love of god if u could consider granting me and my family a visa for us to depart from this place before we are killed.Yours truly
Pastor Richard Bosange
Richard Bosange (Johanessburg, 2019-09-12)
Animal deserve to be free!!!!!!!!Sarah Knoll (Tyrol, 2019-09-13)
This must be stoppedYasmine Lukas (Elmshorn, 2019-09-13)
I'm signing because I really need help I'm not safe here in south Africa especially where I stay I'm not safeI can't even go to school please I need help 😭😭😭😭I'm with my family we are need help 😭😭😭 I'm with 2 siblings and mom and dad
Please help us 😭😭😭
Steven Lumande (Cape town, 2019-09-13)
I am truly disgusted at using animals in this environment for human pleasure let alone a baby that should not even be separated from its mother and should not be used in shows until at least 6 months old. The behaviour and lack of care on behalf of the management of this establishment is disgusting and deplorable. The premises should be shut down, the dolphins released and rehabilitated and the managers and owners of the company be prosecuted and not allowed to recommence such a business again. The trauma of the mother of the baby dolphin and the other dolphins is unimaginable. It is well documentated the trauma and stress not only the mother suffers on losing a calf but also her 'family' as dolphins a pack animals! SHUT THE PLACE DOWN!!!!Michelle Gordon (Oldham, 2019-09-13)
Dolphins do not belong into captivity.Stefanie Kranjc (Essen, 2019-09-14)
Status confirmed: I have: read, approved of, supported, signed, and shared this cause, campaign, daily action, and petition. These actions were taken upon Sunday, the 15th of September 2019. This information has been typed for record(s) maintenance purpose(s). O:-|Oliver Guenoun (Sydney, 2019-09-15)
This must come to an end, no matter in which place.Helia Verena Daubach (Bonn, 2019-09-15)
I'm singing this because I have experienceNaomi Mumba (Cape Town, 2019-09-16)
Ich signiere, weil ich eine vegane Tier & Naturschutz Aktivistin binChristina Drexl (Schwarzenbach am Wald, 2019-09-16)
So sadGeorgina Moolman (Johannesburg, 2019-09-18)
It is barbaric to keep animals trapped in cages agaist their will simply to amuse us and have someone make money from this... 21 век е бе маниаци...Hristiyan Rusev (Sofia, 2019-09-25)
Ужасни условия на робство! Затваряйте го!Samuil ganev (burgas, 2019-10-08)
Stop animal abuse, let them freeCitra Wiriya (Pontianak, 2019-10-30)
This has to stopShari Lau (Munich, 2019-11-18)
Това са живи създания,а не играчки.И да се затвори делфинариума.Аз съм категорично против изтезаването на делфините.Благодаря Ви.Антоанета Енчева (Бургас, 2019-11-30)
Животните не са атракцияАлбена Милушева (София, 2019-11-30)
Не трябва да има животни, който не са на свобода! Същото е както преди години, негрите са били в клетка разхождани в Европа, за да ги видят "белите".Ваня Голосманова (София, 2019-12-01)
Защото подрепям напълно идеята, че довите животни не бива да се използват като средство за трупане на капитал. В частност като бъдат използвани за подпбен тип атракция!Кристина Манева (София, 2019-12-01)