Награждаване на българските граничари от Средец

Yordan Radev

/ #594

2015-10-16 12:27

I support this. I have signed the petition. Refugees cannot break the State borders. Refugees cannot violate international legislation and the statutory frameworks of the national constitutions and national legal acts, thus breaking the integrity and the inviolability of the State borders. If the refugees do this by means of illegal circumvention of the respective international conventions, and also by means of illegal circumventions of the applicable national legal acts, this should be considered as a criminal act against the independence and the sovereignty of the State. This should be considered as a criminal act against the national defense and the security of the entire population of citizens of the country they have invaded illegally in. For any such circumventions of the applicable legal acts, and for any such schemes of illegal invasions into foreign sovereign territories, refugees shall carry out all physical and legal criminal liability and responsibility, and shall be considered as a major threat for the defense and the security systems of the respective States. Please, sign this petition at: http://www.peticiq.com/127634