Създаване на Български Културен Институт в Брюксел

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Създаване на Българска Културна Асоциация в Белгия и прожекция на филма "Воевода", 10 декември, 14 ч. Брюксел

2017-12-06 17:58:58


Скъпи приятели на идеята за Български Културен Институт в Брюксел,

Преди по-малко от година вие ни подкрепихте в инициативата да отвоюваме  пространство за постоянното присъствие на българската култура в Брюксел. Въпреки че не получихме помощта и партньорството, на което се надявахме от страна на българските държавни институции, вашата окуражителна реакция ни вдъхнови да поемем по-трудния и неотъпкан път сами да създадем Българска Културна Асоциация в Белгия.

Ако искате да подкрепите инициативата ни и в следващия й етап, може да станете член на Асоциацията и да вземете активна роля в разработването на визията и работната програма. За подробности как да попълните необходимия формуляр, как да платите членския си внос и относно ползите, които получавате,  може да се информирате чрез фейсбук или като се свържете с нас по мейл.

Посетете и харесайте страницата на Асоциацията във Фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/acbenbelgique/, а ако желаете да получавате информация по мейл, моля да заявите интерес тук: acbenbelgique@gmail.com

Използваме тази възможност да ви поканим да се запознаем на първото събитие организирано от Асоциацията - прожекцията на филма „Воевода“ в неделя 10 декември от 14.00 в кино Galeries, Galerie de la Reine 26, 1000 Bruxelles.

Може да закупите и резервирате билети онлайн като следвате инструкциите на страницата на събитието във фейсбук: https://www.facebook.com/events/924692464348331/ или като ни пишете на адрес: acbenbelgique@gmail.com

Очакваме ви в неделя!


Cher amis,

Moins d’une année s’est écoulée depuis que vous nous avez soutenus dans notre initiative de créer un espace et une présence signifiante de la culture bulgare à Bruxelles. Bien que nous n’ayons pas obtenu le soutien ou la participation que nous espérions de la part des institutions gouvernementales bulgares, votre réaction très encourageante nous a motivé et inspiré pour poursuivre ce projet par nous-mêmes. Nous nous engageons à présent sur le chemin plus méritoire de l’initiative citoyenne par la création d’une association, l’Asbl « Association culturelle bulgare en Belgique ».

Si vous souhaitez soutenir notre projet dans les étapes à venir, vous pouvez devenir membre de l’association et prendre ainsi une part active dans l’élaboration de sa vision et l’organisation du programme à venir. Pour avoir plus d’informations sur le formulaire d’adhésion et vos avantages d’adhérent vous pouvez vous rendre sur notre page facebook ou bien nous contacter par mail.

N’hésitez pas à visiter et soutenir notre page et si vous souhaitez recevoir les offres et les informations de l’association veuillez nous communiquer votre adresse mail. Page facebook de l’Asbl ACBenBelgique :  https://www.facebook.com/acbenbelgique/ Mail de contact de l’Asbl ACBenBelgique : acbenbelgique@gmail.com Nous profitons également de l’occasion pour vous inviter au premier évènement entièrement organisé par notre association.

Il s’agit de la présentation du film « Voevoda » ce dimanche 10 décembre à 14h dans le cinéma Galeries, Galerie de la Reine 26, 1000 Bruxelles.Pour cet évènement vous pouvez  acheter ou réserver vos billets en ligne en suivant les informations de l’évènement : https://www.facebook.com/events/924692464348331/Vous pouvez également faire une réservation par mail : acbenbelgique@gmail.com

A dimanche !


Dear Friends, who supported our endeavour of establishing a Bulgarian Cultural Institute in Brussels, 

Almost a year ago you welcomed our initiative to find premises, which could shelter the permanent presence of Bulgarian culture in Brussels. Despite the lack of cooperation on behalf of the Bulgarian state institutions, your encouraging feedback inspired us to walk along this hard and untrodden path on our own. We decided to establish l'Association Culturelle Bulgare (ACB) en Belgique – the Bulgarian Cultural Association in Belgium. 

If you also wish to support the next stages of our initiative, you could become an ACB member and participate actively in the elaboration of its vision and work programme. For more details on how to fill in the necessary membership form, how to pay your membership fee and all the fringe benefits you would enjoy by becoming a member,  you could either visit our Facebook page or send us an e-mail. 

Please visit and like the ACB Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/acbenbelgique/. If you prefer to get information via e-mail, please send us an e-mail:acbenbelgique@gmail.com 

We are also pleased to invite you to the first event, organised solely by ACB – the projection of the Bulgarian film 'VOEVODA' (subtitled in English) on 10 December 2017 (Sunday) at 14.00h at Cinema Galeries, Galerie de la Reine 26, 1000 Bruxelles

This will be a perfect occasion to get to know each other. You could buy and book tickets online by following the instructions on the Facebook page of the event : https://www.facebook.com/events/924692464348331/ or by writing to:acbenbelgique@gmail.com 

Looking forward to seeing you on Sunday!


Details on the film:

FILM PREMIERE VOEVODA (Bulgarian film with English subtitles) 10 December 2017 at 14h00Galeries Cinema, Galerie de la Reine 26, 1000 Bruxelles

VOEVODA tells the real story of Roumena – a mother, who had to abandon her child and home to lead a rebellious band. They shared their own set of values, aimed to restore justice in Bulgaria - part of the Ottoman Empire at the time.It is a feature film, inspired by memories of various witnesses and based on the short story of the renowned Bulgarian writer Nikolai Haitov. SPECIAL GUEST AT THE FILM PREMIERE – THE ACTOR DIMITAR SELENSKI /ТRAYCHO/ L'Association Culturelle Bulgare (ACB) in Belgium is pleased to invite you to its first official event. Come and join us in this endeavour, aiming to showcase the Bulgarian culture to the Belgian audience and further unite the Bulgarian community in Belgium. MQ Pictures in cooperation with the National Film Center, in co-production with Focus Media, in cooperation with the Croatian Audiovisual Center, in co-production with New Boyana Film, Dream Team Films and NOVA TV, present the film VOEVODA.Starring: Valeri Yordanov, Goran Gunchev, Vladimir Zombori, Leart Dokle, Petar Genkov, Dimitar Selenski, Niki Amrita Nikolai and Zornitsa SophiaCinematography: Krum RodriguezSreenplay and direction: Zornitsa Sophia 

Ticket price: 15 EURFor Association Culturelle Bulgare members: 10 ЕUR (for more details on membership, please send an e-mail to acbenbelgique@gmail.com) 

Ticket payments via the Association's bank account:ASSOCIATION CULTURELLE BULGARE : BE79 3630 1245 4133 BIC : BBRUBEBBMessage: First name, Family Name + Number of ticketsPlease book your tickets well in advance, considering the hall capacity limits.  

Order your tickets via e-mail:acbenbelgique@gmail.comhttps://www.facebook.com/events/924692464348331/

Инициативен комитет за Български Културен Институт в Брюксел

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